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    CHINA DAILY(中国日报)_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-1-26 · 华军纯净下载为您提供CHINADAILY(中国日报)APP下载,CHINADAILY(中国日报)5.2.1手机版官方下载。中国日报是中国最大的英文报纸,日均发行90余万份,遍布全球150个国家和地区。中国日报新闻客户端为您呈现热点

    ENAT is a non-profit association for organisations that aim to be 'frontrunners' in the study, promotion and practice of accessible tourism. You may be an expert or new to the area - in either case you are welcome!

    By leveraging the knowledge and experience of the network, our members are improving the accessibility of tourist information, transport, infrastructure, design and service for visitors with all kinds of access needs, providing models of excellence in accessible tourism for the whole of the tourism industry.


    在中国免费用twitter加速软件Rome, 31 July 2020.

    Dear Friends, At the end of June, for the first time in 12 years, we held our Annual General Assembly (AGA) online. We were all still haunted by the COVID 19 and the safety rules of many countries did not allow us to travel and to meet, as usual, in Brussels...

    Read the full text of the President's Message... (3 mins)

    Featured PODCAST with ENAT Member, Laurent Roffé of TAPOOZ Travel (52 minutes).
    Image of Laurent Roffé, TAPOOZ TravelListen to this Podcast by No Barriers (USA), in conversation with ENAT member, Laurent Roffé on how he and his wife, Aïcha Nyström, developed their interest in accessible travel that became a travel company, TAPOOZ Travel, offering accessible trips for hundreds of clients, from individuals and families to small group travel.

    Go to No Barriers Laurent Roffé podcast.

    Read the No Barriers Transcript.

    View the No Barriers podcast at the ENAT Forum page.


    ENAT Members can be found in more than 30 countries and 5 continents. Development activities are strong on many fronts such as destination management, marketing, transport, tour operations, education, training, standards and services. By joining ENAT, organisations can be assured of keeping up-to-date with the latest developments and helping to shape the future of accessible tourism in Europe and around the world. Investment in accessible tourism measures can bring high returns, also when the market in general is weakening.

    If you are working in accessible tourism or want to be part of it, we warmly invite you to join ENAT. 

    Read: 国内有合法的VPN吗,有什么VPN能用-行业新闻-天下数据:2021-9-10 · 我国有没有合法的VPN?答案是“有”。但这个合法的VPN个人不能申请,对绝大多数人来说也用不起。在国内小网站或电商平台上兜售的VPN都是非法的,因此绝对不要相信卖家宣称的有资质,自己 …


    02/07/2020 ENAT Membership Fees Waived. COVID-19 relief for small businesses and individual members

    1/7/2020. At the ENAT Annual General Assembly held on 24 June, due to the severe financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector in all countries, the members unanimously decided that ENAT Annual Membership fees for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Individual Members are to be suspended for one year from 1st July 2020 to 30 June 2021.

    21/05/2020 European Commission Guidelines Are Paving The Way To Recovery For The European Tourism Sector From The COVID-19 Crisis

    The European Tourism Manifesto alliance, the voice of the European travel and tourism sector, has issued the following statement on the European Commission’s guidance on how to safely resume travel and reboot Europe's tourism in 2020 and beyond.

    18/05/2020 Twitter:我们在中国大陆约有1000万活跃用户_新闻频道 ...:2021-7-6 · 中国大陆约有1000万Twitter活跃用户凤凰科技讯北京时间7月6日消息,据《财富》网络版报道,虽然在国内Twitter属于打开就变404的网站,但也挡不住一 ...

    Making PM² project management methodology accessible to the European Network of Accessible Tourism.

    15/05/2020 Accessible Tourism In Natural And Rural Areas. Take Part In The ACCESS-IT Surveys for Visitors, Businesses and Public Officials

    The partners of the ACCESS-IT project invite you to answer a survey on tourism in rural and natural areas, including the countryside, seaside, lakes, mountains, rivers, forests, etc. We would like to know your views and experiences, especially regarding accessibility for people with disabilities and/or other access requirements.

    15/05/2020 COVID-19 and opportunities for VR based tourism economy

    Virtual reality-based technologies, using 360-degree videos of tourism destinations viewed on a VR headset can substitute for real trips and help tourists dream or plan for the next vacation. A new survey indicates an opportunity for creating a parallel economy for tourist guides as 360-video content providers.


    Are you an ENAT Member?

    灰色地带不再 只剩下门缝的VPN何去何从_科技_腾讯网:2021-2-7 · 比如,加速精灵是一家稳定运营三年的老牌VPN商,目前主营美国、中国香港、日本、中国台湾、德国、韩国的高速线路,支持电脑各种系统、手机安 ...

    Join Now!


    27/06/2020 Inclusion of Design for All in the University Degrees of Architecture and Civil Engineering

    2 July 2020, 17.00 hours CEST. Online. Presentation of the results of the European Research Project EDUCA4ALL. We will learn about the results of the EDUCA4ALL project and enjoy a panel discussion which experts in University teaching from all over the world sharing their point of view regarding the implementation of universal accessibility in the curricular contents of the architecture and civil engineering studies in their universities.

    08/06/2020 【免费加速器】国内目前巨好用的免费加速器推荐!_哔哩哔哩 ...:2021-8-10 · 使用”三款免费加速器“总结,没加速器的朋友必看 ! 鸢泽童话 24.9万播放 · 278弹幕 02:08 【活动已结束】最新白嫖腾讯加速器方法 一之懒花名 4.1万播放 · 15弹幕 03:39 2021.3 推荐一款免费好用的加速 …

    24.6.2020. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions on travel, the ENAT AGA will be held as an Online Meeting from 10:00 to 12:00 hours, Central Europe Summer Time.

    16/05/2020 Inclusive Travel Masterclasses. Webinar series

    Krita这个免费绘画软件的实用程度怎么样? - 知乎:2021-1-4 · 免费:Adobe 软件日益增长的订阅价格,使得永久免费的 Krita 对于手头不宽裕的作者来说越来越有吸引力。开放:如果你懂编程,可以学习它的源代码,也可以参加它的开发工作。透明:源代码的开放意味着没有隐藏的偷窥用户活动的隐藏功能。

    02/04/2020 Rehabilitation International World Congress 2021 (New date)

    New date, due to Coronavirus: 7 to 9 September 2021, Aarhus, Denmark. The Rehabilitation International World Congress 2021 will focus on MOVING SOCIETIES. To develop your ideas or get further information please contact: worldcongress@riworldcongress2020.com

    12/01/2020 哪个网游加速器比较好用? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-6-4 · 里面有我所有找到的18款网游加速器,应该涵盖了目前市面上大部分的网游加速器了。本着辛苦一个,幸福大家的原则,归纳如下: 免费120小时:Xrush网游加速器; 免费72小时:网易UU加速器,迅龙加速器,玲珑加速器,腾讯加速器,量子加速器; ...

    The World Tourism Organization and Fundación ONCE join forces once again on the occasion of FITUR Spanish Tourism Fair, 22 January 2020, to spotlight good practices in accessible tourism from around the world.

    21/10/2019 III International Congress on Technology and Tourism for All, Málaga, Spain

    23 to 25 October 2019. Fundación ONCE is pleased to announce the III International Congress Technology and Tourism for All taking place in Málaga, Spain, showing what technology, smart tourist destinations, accessible products and services can do for all people.

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